Group walks 2023
My Sketchy Menopause : Dandelions
Date : Wednesday August 30th
Time : 6.30 pm
Meet : Pencaitland Bridge
With : Fantoosh Sketching
A nature connection, walk-and-stop experience. No artistic ability required!
A creative ‘walkshop’ exploring and celebrating the wee yellow dandelion and its links to menopause.
Expect playful mark-making, synching with the rhythm of nature and sketching tips on a botanical theme.
In a supportive and understanding group we’ll wander and stop along the riverside. No previous drawing experience is needed, this is for everyone to express their creativity and connect while enjoying sketching outside!
All lovely materials supplied.
Meet at Pencaitland Bridge, by the info board.
Gentle to moderate with some uneven ground. A few steps.
Finish around 8.30 pm.
Lynn Fraser (Fantoosh Sketching) is an artist and creative wellbeing provider who advocates for the benefits of creativity in menopause.